About Us
Wellington Early Learning Centre Inc. is a charitable organization dedicated to providing high-quality childcare in a safe, secure environment in which we believe every child will flourish and every family will have a voice. We love working with children to help them develop their social skills in our nurturing environment.
Committed to building positive family relationships with our clients, we foster friendly, family-oriented activities and encourage learning through positive play experiences. Our programs are led by registered ECE teachers, with a focus on social skills and school-readiness. Our values include:
Belonging and community
Positive learning experiences
Clear communication
Emergent Learning Model
All of Wellington Early Learning Centre's programs are based on the "Early Learning for Every Child Today" (ELECT) framework developed by the Government of Ontario as part of the Best Start Program. The ELECT framework is an important building block in achieving the social, intellectual, economic, physical and emotional potential of all children.
WELC follows an Emergent Learning Model, where we believe:
Children learn best when their learning is driven by their own interests and readiness.
Children learn through play.
Children are individuals with different interests and personalities with varied rates and methods of learning.
Children are active constructors of their own learning. Their skills increase as they explore and understand their environment.
Children are naturally motivated to investigate and learn.